Results for 'Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe'

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  1.  11
    Vincenzo di Blasi, autor contestatario y filógino en la Querella de las Mujeres en Italia, y su respuesta a las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles.Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:77-82.
    El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en la labor contestataria y filógina del escritor siciliano Vincenzo di Blasi en relación con las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles expuestas en sus obras _La reproducción de los animales _y _Política, _ambas escritas en el siglo IV a.C_._ El artículo se abre con una introducción sobre los estudios que se han emprendido sobre las definiciones aristotélicas de la mujer para definir un marco teórico de partida. Posteriormente, se exponen de manera contrastada las teorías (...)
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    Introduction: Ethics with Ontology. A Debate on Ethical Non-naturalism.Antonella Corradini, Giuliana Mancuso & Bruno Niederbacher - 2018 - Topoi 37 (4):533-535.
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  3. Gli artisti di Supports/Surfaces e l'esperienza del limite. Dalla decostruzione del quadro alla dialettica dello spazio.Luisa Giacobbe - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    At the end of the 1960s “Supports/Surfaces” artists start deconstructing paintings to jeopardize their representational qualities. Claude Viallat and Daniel Dezeuze, for example, process canvases and frames to highlight their phisical aspect as opposed to the illusionistic realm or representation. This way polarities such as form/space and illusionistic space/real space start having a new, dialectic relationship.
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    Informed consent for clinical trials of deep brain stimulation in psychiatric disease: challenges and implications for trial design: Table 1.Nir Lipsman, Peter Giacobbe, Mark Bernstein & Andres M. Lozano - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):107-111.
    Advances in neuromodulation and an improved understanding of the anatomy and circuitry of psychopathology have led to a resurgence of interest in surgery for psychiatric disease. Clinical trials exploring deep brain stimulation (DBS), a focally targeted, adjustable and reversible form of neurosurgery, are being developed to address the use of this technology in highly selected patient populations. Psychiatric patients deemed eligible for surgical intervention, such as DBS, typically meet stringent inclusion criteria, including demonstrated severity, chronicity and a failure of conventional (...)
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    A comparative analysis of ethical perceptions in marketing research: U.s.A. Vs. canada. [REVIEW]Ralph W. Giacobbe & Madhav N. Segal - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):229 - 245.
    The study compares Canadian and U.S. marketing researchers' attitudes, perceptions and intentions related to several areas of ethical concern. A particular focus involves salience of norms common to marketing research codes of ethics (COEs) and familiarity of such codes to marketing research professionals. Researchers' attitudes towards today's ethical climate are identified and compared between the two countries. Relationships are examined between familiarity, ethical intention and salience. Results indicate that U.S. and Canadian marketing researchers have similar perceptions of the relative importance (...)
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  6. The Use of Tractography-Based Targeting in Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Indications.Benjamin Davidson, Nir Lipsman, Ying Meng, Jennifer S. Rabin, Peter Giacobbe & Clement Hamani - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Neurocognitive Predictors of Response in Treatment Resistant Depression to Subcallosal Cingulate Gyrus Deep Brain Stimulation.Shane J. McInerney, Heather E. McNeely, Joseph Geraci, Peter Giacobbe, Sakina J. Rizvi, Amanda K. Ceniti, Anna Cyriac, Helen S. Mayberg, Andres M. Lozano & Sidney H. Kennedy - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  8.  20
    Intercultural Communication: Critical Approaches and Future Challenges.Giuliana Ferri - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Drawing on interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, this book critically examines intercultural theory and its interrelations with globalisation, education and dialogue in multicultural societies. Applying the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas, the author repositions intercultural communication within a new paradigm that challenges static interpretations of self and other, and suggests future directions for the development of a post-methodological framework based on the decentring of the researcher. This innovative work will provide researchers and language teachers with the critical tools needed to challenge instrumentalist approaches (...)
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  9. Genetic ties: Are they morally binding?Giuliana Fuscaldo - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):64–76.
    ABSTRACT Does genetic relatedness define who is a mother or father and who incurs obligations towards or entitlements over children? While once the answer to this question may have been obvious, advances in reproductive technologies have complicated our understanding of what makes a parent. In a recent publication Bayne and Kolers argue for a pluralistic account of parenthood on the basis that genetic derivation, gestation, extended custody and sometimes intention to parent are sufficient (but not necessary) grounds for parenthood.1 Bayne (...)
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  10.  48
    Suggested visual hallucinations in and out of hypnosis.Giuliana Mazzoni, Elisabetta Rotriquenz, Claudia Carvalho, Manila Vannucci, Kathrine Roberts & Irving Kirsch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):494-499.
    We administered suggestions to see a gray-scale pattern as colored and a colored pattern in shades of gray to 30 high suggestible and eight low suggestible students. The suggestions were administered twice, once following the induction of hypnosis and once without an induction. Besides rating the degree of color they saw in the stimuli differently, participants also rated their states of consciousness as normal, relaxed, hypnotized, or deeply hypnotized. Reports of being hypnotized were limited to highly suggestible participants and only (...)
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  11.  36
    Developing clinical ethics support for an Australian Health Service: A survey of clinician’s experiences and views.Giuliana Fuscaldo, Melissa Cadwell, Kristin Wallis, Lisa Fry & Margaret Rogers - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (1):44-54.
    Background: International developments suggest that providing clinical ethics services to help clinicians negotiate ethical issues that arise in clinical practice is beneficial and reflects best practice in promoting high ethical standards and patient-centered care. The aim of this study was to explore the needs and experiences of clinical staff members to inform the development of future clinical ethics support. Methods: Health professionals at a large regional health service completed an online survey containing questions about the frequency of ethical and legal (...)
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  12.  15
    Surface: matters of aesthetics, materiality, and media.Giuliana Bruno - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    What is the place of materiality—the expression or condition of physical substance—in our visual age of rapidly changing materials and media? How is it fashioned in the arts or manifested in virtual forms? In Surface, cultural critic and theorist Giuliana Bruno deftly explores these questions, seeking to understand materiality in the contemporary world. Arguing that materiality is not a question of the materials themselves but rather the substance of material relations, Bruno investigates the space of those relations, examining how (...)
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  13.  30
    Communauté intellectuelle et stratégies institutionnelles; Henri Berr et la fondation du Centre International de synthèse.Giuliana Gemelli - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (2):225-259.
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    Changing beliefs about implausible autobiographical events: a little plausibility goes a long way.Giuliana A. L. Mazzoni, Elizabeth F. Loftus & Irving Kirsch - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (1):51.
  15.  38
    Strategies in study time allocation: Why is study time sometimes not effective?Giuliana Mazzoni & Cesare Cornoldi - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (1):47.
  16.  80
    The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy (review).Giuliana Carugati - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (3):474-475.
    Giuliana Carugati - The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.3 474-475 Christian Moevs. The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy. American Academy of Religion, Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion Series. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xii + 308. Cloth, $49.95 Having for a long time insisted on a newly "mystical," as well as a radically contemporary, reading of Dante's Commedia, this reviewer cannot but (...)
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    Towards multiple interactions of inner and outer sensations in corporeal awareness.Giuliana Lucci & Mariella Pazzaglia - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18. Putting Modal Metaphysics First.Antonella Mallozzi - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 8):1-20.
    I propose that we approach the epistemology of modality by putting modal metaphysics first and, specifically, by investigating the metaphysics of essence. Following a prominent Neo-Aristotelian view, I hold that metaphysical necessity depends on the nature of things, namely their essences. I further clarify that essences are core properties having distinctive superexplanatory powers. In the case of natural kinds, which is my focus in the paper, superexplanatoriness is due to the fact that the essence of a kind is what causes (...)
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  19. New Directions in the Epistemology of Modality: Introduction.Antonella Mallozzi - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 8):1841-1859.
    The fourteen papers in this collection offer a variety of original contributions to the epistemology of modality. In seeking to explain how we might account for our knowledge of possibility and necessity, they raise some novel questions, develop some unfamiliar theoretical perspectives, and make some intriguing proposals. Collectively, they advance our understanding of the field. In Part I of this Introduction, I give some general background about the contemporary literature in the area, by sketching a timeline of the main tendencies (...)
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  20. The Epistemology of Essence.Antonella Mallozzi - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The chapter discusses the issue of how we may achieve knowledge of essence. It offers a critical survey of the main theories of knowledge of essence that have been proposed within contemporary debates, particularly by Lowe, Hale, Oderberg, Elder, and Kment.
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  21. Superexplanations for counterfactual knowledge.Antonella Mallozzi - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1315-1337.
    I discuss several problems for Williamson’s counterfactual-theory of modal knowledge and argue that they have a common source, in that the theory neglects to elucidate the proper constraints on modal reasoning. Williamson puts forward an empirical hypothesis that rests on the role of counterfactual reasoning for modal knowledge. But he overlooks central questions of normative modal epistemology. In order for counterfactual reasoning to yield correct beliefs about modality, it needs to be suitably constrained. I argue that what is needed is, (...)
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  22. Two Notions of Metaphysical Modality.Antonella Mallozzi - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 6):1-22.
    The paper explores the project of an ambitious modal epistemology that attempts to combine the a priori methods of Chalmers’ 2D semantics with Kripke’s modal metaphysics. I argue that such a project is not viable. The ambitious modal epistemology involves an inconsistent triad composed of (1) Modal Monism, (2) Two-Dimensionalism, and what I call (3) “Metaphysical Kripkeanism”. I present the three theses and show how only two of those can be true at a time. There is a fundamental incompatibility between (...)
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  23. Imagination, Inference, and Apriority.Antonella Mallozzi - 2021 - In Amy Kind & Christopher Badura, Epistemic Uses of Imagination. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Is imagination a source of knowledge? Timothy Williamson has recently argued that our imaginative capacities can yield knowledge of a variety of matters, spanning from everyday practical matters to logic and set theory. Furthermore, imagination for Williamson plays a similar epistemic role in cognitive processes that we would traditionally classify as either a priori or a posteriori, which he takes to indicate that the distinction itself is shallow and epistemologically fruitless. In this chapter, I aim to defend the a priori-a (...)
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  24.  71
    The building blocks of the full body ownership illusion.Antonella Maselli & Mel Slater - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Fatherless families: How important is genetic relatedness?Giuliana Fuscaldo - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (3):18-29.
    How should families be constructed? Does it matter if we choose to ignore ‘blood ties’ and raise children without their genetic parents? The debate over a recent court ruling allowing single and lesbian women access to assisted reproductive technologies (ART’s) illustrates two possible answers to this question. Many of those opposed to the ruling argue that the traditional biological family is the natural family unit and the ideal family form, which should be preserved. Amongst those in favour it is argued (...)
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  26.  37
    Introduction.Giuliana Gemelli & Roy Macleod - 2003 - Minerva 41 (2):95-99.
  27.  86
    Enoch’s “Taking-Morality-Seriously Thought” Unpacked and at Work in the Argument from Impartiality.Giuliana Mancuso - 2018 - Topoi 37 (4):591-602.
    After a brief outline of Enoch’s defense of robust realism in his Taking Morality Seriously, I focus on Enoch’s taking-morality-seriously thought by making explicit the assumptions I see involved in it. Enoch’s argument from impartiality is then reconstructed to show how these assumptions are at work. Next, I explain the reasons why Enoch does not succeed in converting these assumptions into a positive argument for the thesis implied by robust realism that there is a moral objectivity. Finally, I conclude that (...)
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  28. What Is Absolute Modality?Antonella Mallozzi - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Talk of metaphysical modality as “absolute” is ambiguous, as it appears to convey multiple ideas. Metaphysical possibility is supposedly completely unrestricted or unqualified; metaphysical necessity is unconditional and exceptionless. Moreover, metaphysical modality is thought to be absolute in the sense that it’s real or genuine and the most objective modality: metaphysical possibility and necessity capture ways things could and must have really been. As we disentangle these ideas, certain talk of metaphysical modality qua “absolute” turns out to be misguided. Metaphysical (...)
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    Temporal binding: digging into animal minds through time perception.Antonella Tramacere & Colin Allen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-24.
    Temporal binding is the phenomenon in which events related as cause and effect are perceived by humans to be closer in time than they actually are). Despite the fact that temporal binding experiments with humans have relied on verbal instructions, we argue that they are adaptable to nonhuman animals, and that a finding of temporal binding from such experiments would provide evidence of causal reasoning that cannot be reduced to associative learning. Our argument depends on describing and theoretically motivating an (...)
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  30. International commercial arbitration rules as translated : rewritten texts : an intercultural perspective.Giuliana Garzone - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori, Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 47--73.
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  31. Essenza, idea, conoscenza eidetica.Giuliana Mancuso - 2016 - Discipline Filosofiche 26 (1):67-95.
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  32. Perception in the mirror: the influence of self-beliefs.Antonella Tramacere & Angelica Kaufmann - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1.
    Mirrors are more than reflective surfaces; they are portals to self-perception influenced by a tapestry of developmental, psychological, and cultural factors. In this paper, we explore the interplay between these factors by investigating the effect of beliefs on mirror images and clarifying how negative self-perception develops. We analyse the phenomenon of mirror self-recognition and the development of beliefs about oneself, attempting to clarify how emotionally charged beliefs could influence our experience with the mirror. Our proposal offers insights into body dysmorphia (...)
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    Der junge Scheler und der Neukantianismus.Giuliana Mancuso - 2008 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2008:127-145.
    This paper discusses Max Scheler’s early works, written between 1899 and 1906 in a neo-Kantian context. The very little attention the literature paid to them was almost always guided by the only aim to single the themes out which can be used as signs of Scheler’s future „conversion“ to phenomenology. In consequence of this predominant approach, the neo- Kantianism that characterizes Scheler’s early works has been treated as a vague notion and never examined as such. The paper specifies this notion (...)
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    When Dreams Become Reality.Giuliana A. L. Mazzoni & Elizabeth F. Loftus - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (4):442-462.
    In three experiments, we found that after a subtle suggestion, subjects falsely recognized words from their own dreams and thought they had been presented during the waking state. The procedure used in these studies involved three phases. Subjects studied a list of words on Day 1. On Day 2, they received a false suggestion that some words from their previously reported dreams had been presented on the list. On Day 3, they tried to recall only what had occurred on the (...)
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    Temem Heróis, Temem Heroínas: Uma Epopeia, Um Hino e Um Ditirambo.Giuliana Ragusa - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):102-120.
    O estudo discute o temor como reação de heróis à presença epifânica dos deuses, analisando três cenas de encontros do tipo que encontramos em várias obras da poesia grega antiga, em variados contextos e circunstâncias – e com variadas consequências. Tais cenas são as seguintes: na epopeia, na Ilíada, o encontro entre Helena e Afrodite no canto III, no qual o disfarce de serva anciã conhecida da espartana logo se desfaz no reconhecimento da real identidade do deus. No Hino homérico (...)
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    How to Do Things with Words: Antifascism as a Differentially Mobilizing Ideology, from the Popular Front to the Black Power Movement.Giuliana Chamedes - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (1):127-155.
    This article argues that two distinctive varieties of antifascism took shape in the 1930s and endured through the late 1970s. These two varieties—Popular Front antifascism and anti-imperial antifascism—were in dialogue but in opposition to one another, and both were transnational mobilizing ideologies. Investigating these two antifascist movements allows us to place Europe in the wider world and demonstrate how anti-imperial activists of color simultaneously “provincialized” Europe and situated it within a global framework. The effort also highlights the need to rethink (...)
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  37.  27
    Augusto Del Noce and Eric Voegelin on the eidos of History: A Comparative Analysis.Giuliana Parotto - 2022 - The European Legacy 28 (2):123-138.
    In his critique of Modernity and the modern Gnosis, the prominent Italian Catholic philosopher Augusto Del Noce was particularly influenced by Eric Voegelin’s use of the two concepts in his political theory. The aim of this article is to present the various aspects of the idea of history proposed by Voegelin followed by Del Noce’s response and interpretation of them in order to show the similarities and differences between their views. More specifically, the comparison between Voegelin and Del Noce centers (...)
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  38. Pleats of Matter, Folds of the Soul.Giuliana Bruno - 2009 - In David Norman Rodowick, Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy. University of Minnesota Press.
  39. Sites of screening: cinema, museum, and the art of projection.Giuliana Bruno - 2019 - In Edward Dimendberg, The moving eye: film, television, architecture, visual art, and the modern. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Un archivo de imágenes emotivas.Giuliana Bruno - 2019 - In Irene Depetris Chauvin & Natalia Taccetta, Afectos, historia y cultura visual: una aproximación indisciplinada. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    What is So Special About Contemporary CG Faces? Semiotics of MetaHumans.Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):821-834.
    This paper analyses the features of the 2021 software for the creation of ultrarealistic digital characters “MetaHuman Creator” and reflects on the causes of such perceived effect of realism to understand if the faces produced with such software represent an actual novelty from an academic standpoint. Such realism is first of all defined as the result of semio-cognitive processes which trigger interpretative habits specifically related to faces. These habits are then related to the main properties of any realistic face: being (...)
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    Come nasce un'opera: viaggio nella mente creatrice.Giuliana Adamo & Cosimo Colazzo (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  43. L'archeologia tra verità E falsificazione.Giuliana Calcani - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 46 (31-33):131.
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  44. Diotima e la generazione dell 'idea'.Giuliana Carugati - 2002 - Studi di Estetica 25:171-184.
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  45. Popular psychology, history and idea in Lazarus and steinthal.Giuliana Cavallo - 1986 - Filosofia 37 (3):205-221.
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  46. Recent writings by and on Dilthey.Giuliana Cavallo - 1986 - Filosofia 37 (2):157-159.
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    Scienza intuitiva.Giuliana Conforto - 1994 - Roma: Noesis.
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    Giordano Bruno e la scienza odierna.Giuliana Conforto - 1995 - Roma: Noesis.
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  49. Pathos in petrarch historical writing, notably the lives of scipio and caesar in'de viris illustribus'.Giuliana Crevatin - 1995 - Rinascimento 35:155-171.
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    Romano Guardini e la pedagogia: l'educazione come compito e valore.Giuliana Fabris & Gino Alberto Faccioli (eds.) - 2013 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
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